Greek Archives - Life is Complicated Thu, 24 Sep 2020 19:39:46 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Greek Archives - 32 32 Sorority Girl – The Inside Scoop Mon, 22 Apr 2019 18:38:40 +0000 It’s More Than Parties, Sorority Life. Congratulations [...]

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It’s More Than Parties, Sorority Life.

Congratulations if your daughter has joined a sorority!  Joining a sorority was one of the best decisions I made while being in college.  I made amazing friends and connections. I am still friends with many sorority sisters; in fact, the owners of the website of these blogs are two of my sorority sisters. At UNF, every sorority is a little different as it relates to academic requirements, philanthropic requirements, and social requirements. Your daughter will be expected to attend chapter meetings and participate in their sorority’s events. They are paired up with fraternities for socials which may be mandatory. Some sororities require you to dress up for chapter meetings; others do not care if you come straight from the gym. Obviously, with social distancing being in place many of these events may be via zoom.

Be prepared for an entire wardrobe change as they can often be seen wearing frat tanks (some girls sell their collection for as little as $5 a shirt), sorority shirts, sweatshirts, jewelry and more, proudly wearing their sorority’s letters or name ( Some new members are not allowed to wear the letters until after initiation). And get ready for some major arts & crafting as your daughter prepares to get her little sister for the first time. Between Big/Little, Orientation, and Bid Day, they have accumulated jewelry, water bottles, stationery, wall signs and so much more. And while I know eventually after they graduate college and move into an apartment their decorating tastes switch, seeing them enjoying this bond with so many young women and the impact the sorority makes during their college years is well worth having all of the sorority items they collect.

Being in a sorority is not just about the social aspect, although that is a big part of joining. Many of the sororities require their members to participate in the philanthropy aspect teaching them about helping those less fortunate. They are expected to keep up their grades as well.  They can be found holding positions for Homecoming, Student Government, Food Drives, and many other events. This opens the door for new members to have the opportunity to get involved on campus through compassion, camaraderie, and community. Browse through the UNF PanHellenic Council Facebook page for some of the interesting events they recently planned here.

Should you decide to get them a congratulatory gift, we have some suggestions here from:

Desert Cactus Greek, Brit and Bee, Alexandra and Company, Go Greek Chic, Cotton Sisters, Sorority Shop, Signature Tumblers, Greek Gear, Greek Creations, All that Jas, BaubleBar and Gild the Lily. Even Bed, Bath & Beyond carries Greek merchandise including tumblers, pillows, poufs and more!

Some sororities not only have Family Weekends every year, some in the fall and some in the spring, they also have Mother-Daughter and Father-Daughter Weekends. Not every sorority at UNF is required to participate in these events so check with your daughter to see if her sorority has one planned. Most colleges are extremely strict today when it comes to drinking and hazing. I am not going to cherry coat this; it does happen. UNF is no different. Sororities have been put on probation for alcohol consumption and not been allowed to have any socials. Your daughter should never feel pressured to do something that makes her feel uncomfortable.

Without a doubt joining a sorority was the greatest experience during my college years and I hope it will be for your daughters as well.

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Sorority Recruitment: What to Expect & What to Wear Wed, 27 May 2020 21:10:13 +0000 Here Are Tips & Tricks On What to Wear If you are p [...]

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Here Are Tips & Tricks On What to Wear

If you are planning on going through recruitment at UNF, we have all the tips and tricks on what to wear to ensure you are prepped for the week. The University of North Florida hosts its recruitment in the Fall from September 4th to the 7th. Registration is already open and runs until August 27th.  Unlike other Florida colleges, UNF’s recruitment begins after the fall semester starts.

When you sign up for the formal recruitment process, you become a PNM. PNM stands for Potential New Member. Once you accept a bid to one of the seven chapters, you then become a new member.  Then when recruitment begins, you’ll have a recruitment counselor who is referred to as your Rho Gamma. This woman has gone through recruitment from your side so she is sure to have plenty of advice should you need it. Always remember that Rho Gammas are there to help YOU! If you ever have any hesitations or concerns, they are the perfect source.

Rho Gammas will text PNMs prior to the week of rush with information for the week including where and what to do for the Welcome Round.  The following is a rundown to prepare you and so you have everything you need for the week and there are no surprises on day one.

Round 1 – Welcome Round

Round one is your first official introduction to the Panhellenic community. Round one is known as the Welcome Round and this takes place the first day of recruitment.  UNF does not have sorority houses therefore all of the sororities and PNMs will meet in a designated building on campus.  You will meet your Rho Gamma and the other PNMs in your group.  The Rho Gammas will give each PNM a t-shirt to be worn during the Welcome Round.

During this round, you will have the opportunity to visit all 7 chapters. Each meeting will be about 15-20 minutes during which the President will introduce herself and then the chapter members will want to start talking to you right away considering there is such a shortage of time. The women recruiting potential new members will try to get to know you as much as possible to see if this is the best fit for everyone. It is important for you to really express yourself, be yourself, and allow these girls to see your personality.

Once you have visited the chapters, you will go back to your Rho Gamma then go to a private computer and rank the sororities from top to bottom.  There is only room for six choices, therefore dropping one sorority.

What to wear: Cute shorts, skirt, jeans or pants paired with a PanHellenic provided shirt.  Wear comfortable shoes, usually flats, a low wedge sandal or cute sneakers.  Trendy Jewelry.  This is your time to show your style!

Outfits: Amazon Lulus Lulus

Shoes: Nordstrom Rack Lulus Princess Polly

Jewelry:  Princess Polly     Baublebar

Round 2 – Philanthropy Round

Round two is known as Philanthropy Round. From now on, you will only be visiting the chapters that have invited you back. Once you meet up with your group, your Rho Gamma will provide you with a list of chapters you will be visiting that day based on the mutual decision process. These meetings are 30 minutes long and focus on the chapter’s individual philanthropies.  During the sessions, each sorority shows a video highlighting the charitable work they have done.  After the sessions, PNMs will vote again, however, this time two sororities will be cut.

What to wear: Cute shorts, skirt, jeans or pants paired with a PanHellenic provided shirt.  Wear comfortable shoes, usually flats, a low wedge sandal or cute sneakers.  Trendy Jewelry.

Outfits: Francescas Forever21 Lulus skirt Lulus top

Shoes:   Nordstrom Rack Lulus Nordstrom

Jewelry:  Nordstrom    Bauble Bar

haveuheard usf recruitment wear

Round 3 – Sisterhood Round

Like round two, you’ll receive a list from your Rho Gamma on the chapters you will be visiting. This round is the Sisterhood Round.  It is longer meeting time with each chapter with the session running about 45 minutes.  During the Sisterhood Round, the PNMs will watch a video that showcases the many different activities and events with the sisters of the chapter.  The members will talk about the friendships that have been made along with the bonds they have created.

This round, along with the Philanthropy Round, really allows the PNMs to see the passion and depth of each chapter.  As a PNM, it is important that you trust the process and let your guard down. Yes, this is an unusual process, but take the time to bond and share your passions.  This time should be very meaningful and allow PNM’s to know a lot more about the chapter and what is important to them. After visiting your chapters, you’ll head back to your group again, vote, and drop two more chapters.

What to wear: For this round, the attire is slightly upgraded but still cute shorts, skirt (jeans or jean shorts are not recommended) pants paired with a PanHellenic provided shirt.  Wear comfortable shoes, usually flats, a low wedge sandal or cute sneakers.  Trendy jewelry.

Outfits: Amazon   Lulus   Princess Polly   Red Dress Boutique

Shoes: Lulus Revolve   Nordstrom

Jewelry:  Princess Polly     Baublebar

Round 4 – Preference Round (a.k.a. Prefs)

Preference round is the last and the most important day of recruitment. PNM’s will have at most two remaining chapters. This is your last time to shine and it only lasts one day. This round is 50 minutes and is unlike any other round. Preference round is extremely meaningful- sisters share personal stories about how their chapters have changed their lives. It is a very special round for the sisters.  The sisters will showcase their sorority with stories, songs, and truly try to show the PNMs why their chapter is so special.  They will be creating an emotional connection with you and hope that the PNMs can envision them in their sorority.  This is an in-depth look into what the chapter is really like.

Many times during the Preference round the sisters and PNMs cry; (happy tears, I would hope) but this just means that hopefully, the PNMs have found their home.  As a PNM, it is important to ask any final questions you may have whether it’s about friendships, events, memories, or even concerns. At this point, it is up to the PNM to see where their connection is deepest, and where they ultimately see themselves the most.

Following the end of the day, you will rank your two remaining chapters. While your results are important, the sororities also have their own special way to determine what girls they believe will best fit their sorority.

What to wear: Nice trendy dress. Usually short and flowy but whatever fits your style. Heels, trendy jewelry.

Outfits: Lulus Lulus Lulus

Shoes:  Lulus Nordstrom

Jewelry:  Nordstrom   Baublebar   Baublebar

Bid Day

Drum roll please because this is the day that every PNM has been waiting for!  Today, you’ll receive your bid card for the chapter you will spend your undergraduate years building a connection with. This is a very fun and exciting day. You will start off by going to the Green or the gym and meeting with your group and your Rho Gamma. Throughout the recruitment process, your Rho Gamma is not allowed to tell you what chapter she is in. Your Rho Gamma will give you a brown bag but instruct you not to open it until told to.  While anxiously waiting to know your chapter bid, the Rho Gammas typically will go on stage and do a fun performance revealing what chapter they are in.

Next is the fun part, your Rho Gamma will instruct you to open the brown bag which will have a bid day card and a shirt with your sorority on it. You finally have a bid for your chapter! There will be a lot of screaming, cheering, and crying! At this time, you will be split into groups of new members and will run to their new chapter. Another fun event will happen when all of the Rho Gammas run home too! Once you get to your new house, a celebration awaits as each sorority has a HUGE fun day planned where you will get to meet your new sisters, eat food, and start a new chapter to your life.

What to wear: You’ll receive a shirt once you meet with your group, so you can arrive wearing any shirt you want. You can pair with shorts and comfy sneakers or sandals that will be easy to “run home” in.  All shirts are different so keep in mind when selecting undergarments.

Outfits: Lulus American Eagle 

Shoes: Revolve Amazon Nordstrom Rack

Jewelry: Etsy  Baublebar

Find more great outfits, shoes, and jewelry at the stores below. We hope you will look them over.


Nordstrom Rack

Show Me Your Mumu






American Eagle



Princess Polly


Red Dress Boutique


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Mother Daughter Time Mon, 15 Apr 2019 15:49:49 +0000 There is Nothing Like It! One of my favorite things to [...]

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There is Nothing Like It!

One of my favorite things to do with my kids is spending one on one time with them.  Typically speaking, my daughter always wants to spend time with just me! As a sophomore and being involved in so many events at UNF I cherish the time that is just the two of us.  Her sorority has a mother-daughter event in the spring I look forward to that event with great anticipation!

When she and I are together, there is never a shortage of mother-daughter things for us to do.  We will try to make a trip to the UNF bookstore to buy whatever essentials that she needs or to pick up a few UNF items.  A trip to Target or Publix is always on our list as well as lunch, dinner and some froyo! If we have some extra time, we will fit in some time for manis/pedis! There are many places nearby. Check out our recommendations here.

My daughter and I love to shop and retail stores are abundant within a mile of UNF at St. John Town Center.   Sometimes just walking around this beautiful outdoor mall holding hands is all that we need to enjoy each other’s company. If you are looking for something a bit more serene, Jacksonville Beach is within 15 minutes of the campus.  You will find the most beautiful sand and ocean to just relax. There are plenty of places to eat down at the beach.  Jax Beach is a surfside area with hotels, restaurants and if you are there long enough, nightlife as well.

HaveUHeard that downtown Jacksonville is located about 20 minutes from campus?  The St. Johns River is a beautiful walk to take just the two of you with a ton of picturesque places to stop along the way.  Whatever you choose to do with your daughter, whether it’s grabbing a movie or play a game of  TopGolf, spending time with just the two of you is the most valuable thing you can do! The point of Mother-Daughter time is simply to reconnect.  It’s easy to feel like your relationship is not as strong when your daughter is away. That’s normal, but making the time together is important. Enjoy it, make the most of it, and look forward to the next time.

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Where Will They Live – Managing the Gap Mon, 01 Apr 2019 20:06:57 +0000 Managing the Gap Did you know there was a time gap? Alt [...]

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Managing the Gap

Did you know there was a time gap? Although it feels like you just moved your students into their dorms, you now have to move them out. The worst part, aside from the grueling heat, is that some may be returning in just a few weeks to move back in somewhere. And, if they have to be back early in August, whether it be another dorm or an apartment, having to schlep their stuff back home to return in just a few weeks seems a little silly. I know how many carloads it took to get our daughter moved in and, frankly, I am not prepared to rent a U-Haul to get her home and back again. I recommend your students start bringing things home before the semester ends or if you are visiting, bring some items home.

Also have your student check with their apartment complex, depending on when their lease starts.  Students can often store their items in their new apartment or even in a storage area within the apartment complex. Another inexplicable frustration is for students who live off-campus in apartments over the summer but are not planning on renewing their lease. Most leases end on July 30th but classes do not end until August 2nd. That leaves those students in a bind as to where they should live for that 2 day period and store their stuff all while heading into finals. Check with the apartment rental to see if they will extend the lease.

It’s not ideal to have to move while studying. If they are graduating, perhaps find a good friend to put them up or look at an inexpensive hotel or Airbnb. As for their belongings, there is no easy solution. It is one of the many reasons I am not a big fan of students changing living arrangements every year. And for those students who have to be back a week early to help with sorority recruitment, they will have to find someplace to start since their lease doesn’t start yet. My daughter is staying with her big sister for the week and then I will have to drive her stuff up to her when the lease on her apartment starts, which is the weekend before school starts. That should be SO much fun for me, however, at least I get to see her again!

I have listed a few “gap” storage units for your convenience.

Cube Smart Self Storage –  8585 Touchton Rd, Jacksonville. It offers the first month free and has several locations around the UNF area.

Extra Space Storage – 10523 Deerwood Park Blvd, Jacksonville.  Offers the first month free.

MakeSpace – Storage without the struggle! They pick up, haul, and store your stuff!

Public Storage– 3424 Southside Blvd, Jacksonville.  Offers $1 for the first month and monthly rentals.  Several locations.

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Rushing Her Way Wed, 13 Feb 2019 21:47:04 +0000 Sorority Low-Down When my daughter was accepted to UNF [...]

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Sorority Low-Down

When my daughter was accepted to UNF she was thrilled!  She starting talking about where she would live, who her roommate would be and how they were going to decorate their room. Before too long, the topic of rushing and joining a sorority came up. I went to UF and one of the best experiences of my college life was rushing and joining a sorority – well maybe rushing wasn’t the best experience; however, joining a sorority was.  So, when my daughter brought up the subject of going through rush, I thought it was a great idea.

UNF is a smaller school and with that also brings fewer sororities to choose from and a different Greek life than I went through.  However, none of that would take away from the experience she would embark on. So, what is Greek life all about? First of all, there are different requirements to join. In order to join any Greek-letter organization, a student must be a fully admitted student at the UNF at the time of recruitment, which is in September.  Some sororities also have spring rush, but not all of them. The student must be a full-time student at the university at the time of recruitment (unless the organization permits part-time students to join). Each of the sororities has its own academic requirements.

There are different types of sororities, some are social and some are academic.  The process of joining these is very different. Typically, a student must be invited to join an academic sorority and this is usually based on their GPA. The process for joining a social sorority is made up of several days known as Formal Recruitment.  During Formal Recruitment (also known as Rush), potential new members will have the opportunity to meet women from each of UNF’s Panhellenic chapters.  This is considered a mutual selection process, as both chapters and “rushees” will have the ability to choose who they would like to see the following day.

Rushing is Recruitment

During recruitment, girls can be seen in their high heels, cute outfits, with hair and makeup done walking to the student union.  It is a time that is filled with excitement and disappointment. Some girls will be accepted and get bids at the sorority that they love and some will not.  Bid day, which is the last day of rush, is very exciting, and a little terrifying, and highly emotional as each girl receives a card with the sorority she was accepted to. They all open them at the same time, scream, cry and then will run to their new sorority.

When my daughter was going through rush, I tried to remind her that if she didn’t get into the sorority that she wanted, she would find her place and could rush again the following year.  I will say this, after having my daughter go through Rush this year, I was very impressed by the process at UNF. It was organized and truly meant for the girls to find their proper place or home.  My daughter told me that one of her friends did not get a bid at a sorority that she wanted and one of the sisters from another sorority called her and asked her to come to their bid day. This friend went and actually wound up meeting some wonderful girls and new friends.  Whatever your daughter chooses to do and whatever sorority she chooses, the process of rush is just another part of her college life. For me, joining a sorority gave me life long friends and memories that I can never forget!

For more information about UNF’s recruitment click here.  To learn more about sorority life click here.

We’ve got some great suggestions from our interns about what to wear for recruitment. You can read that here.

Finally, many parents like to send their daughters a gift on Bid Day. We recommend holding off as they will be getting gifts from the sorority they pledge on Bid Day and continually going forward from tank tops to water bottles and everything in between.

Should you decide to get them a congratulatory gift, we have some suggestions here from:

Desert Cactus Greek, Brit and Bee, Alexandra and Company, Go Greek Chic, Cotton Sisters, Sorority Shop, Signature Tumblers, and Gild the Lily.

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Campus Resources for Students of Color Fri, 24 Jul 2020 15:59:24 +0000 Campus Guide to Resources for Mulitcultural Students Ca [...]

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Campus Guide to Resources for Mulitcultural Students

Campus diversity amongst students has grown considerably over the years and most colleges acknowledge the need to honor various student groups. Colleges also propose to create campuses that maintain an inclusive atmosphere; allowing all its students to gain exposure, perceptions, global awareness, and a willingness to collaborate peacefully and freely. College campuses strive to support their black organizations and students.

Students are supported through varying resources at each school. While there are quite a few national associations, often colleges have localized branches that provide a more personalized experience. While each groups’ overall goal may differ somewhat, the overall goal of all the on-campus organizations is to encourage a welcoming space for black students to make connections.

Some organizations for students of color are sponsored by professional societies, while others focus on diversity, mentoring, networking, college achievement, and other types of support. There are many Black Student Groups available for both undergraduate and graduate students at the University of North Florida. They range from academic groups to cultural and social groups to advocacy and political peace groups and more.  I encourage you to explore all the options to see what is available to you.

Among the organizations, clubs, and groups on campus; students may also be interested in joining one of the sororities or fraternities that are part of the nine African American National Pan-Hellenic Council. These social organizations provide students with the opportunity to network, volunteer in local communities, receive leadership training, access member-exclusive career boards, and participate in professional training. Not all of the national Greek organizations have chapters at UNF, but many do. Their missions and membership requirements vary, but what they stand for is clearly stated and you’ll be sure to find something of interest to you.

One thing is for sure, and that’s that it is easy to get involved. UNF encourages involvement through different colleges to support and create community. You can also participate with the Department of Diversity and Initiates which unites all different multicultural groups on campus. The network is an extension of the Black Student Union.

Whether serving as a forum for communication amongst diverse students and faculty, to help students build strong social networks, serve as an official voice for the black community, searching for scholarships, or simply in pursuit of a welcoming space amongst other students of color; your college undoubtedly has a place where you will find your connections.

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Rushing His Way – Frats Wed, 13 Feb 2019 21:54:46 +0000 What Is the Rushing Real Story? So many times, we think [...]

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What Is the Rushing Real Story?

So many times, we think about a fraternity and think of the movie Animal House.  The brothers are living in a house that is disgusting, everyone is partying, drinking alcohol, and doing drugs.  Certainly, if a fraternity is engaging in behavior that crosses the line, they should, and will, end up either on suspension or maybe even kicked off-campus. But talk with many of the young men in fraternities at UNF, and they will speak of brotherhood, a lifetime of friendships and access to leadership positions on campus.

UNF has 28 chartered fraternal organizations.  Some of these are social in nature and some are academic in nature.  The academic fraternities are based on a lot of factors, all of which are academic in nature.  Typically, an academic fraternity will invite members based on grade point average. Whichever your son chooses, Greek life will be an incredible journey.

The Rushing Process

Rushing a social fraternity is different at UNF than the other Florida universities for a few reasons; one is that UNF does not have fraternity houses.  During the second week of the fall and spring semester, approximately 9 fraternities will set up tables during the day at The Green (which is a huge lawn area in the middle of campus).  Anyone who is interested in joining a fraternity can go to this event. The dress is totally casual. It is simply a way for students to learn about the fraternity that they are interested in or learn about others that they may not know anything about. If your son finds a fraternity that there is a mutual interest, this fraternity will invite him to an event at night.

Each fraternity has different events starting the second night of Rush week.  These events are a bit dressier ranging from khaki pants and a polo shirt to a blazer.  Once the events begin, bids may be given out at any time. A bid is an invitation to join the fraternity.   They then have three options – sit on the bid, the most common choice during rush week, as it allows them to continue to visit other frats and maybe even collect more bids –  decline a bid and continue the hunt OR accept the bid and rush is over for them. And then the fun really begins; pledging.


For some, going through rush opens their eyes to a process and a system that isn’t for them.  Many boys start going through rush and realize that Greek life is not for them and unfortunately for other boys, the fraternities don’t think it is the right fit.  That’s totally ok! UNF has a ton of clubs and ways to get involved. Check out our blog Getting Involved the UNF Way. Most boys do find their fraternity; others may not get accepted to the frat of their choice, but there is a second rush opportunity in the spring.

Rushing New Members

Once a bid has been accepted, your student becomes a new member. Fraternities have been in the national spotlight due to the tragic death of several members at various college campuses. Many universities are taking a very strict approach to suspend any organization for any infraction that falls under their definition of hazing. Talk to your student before he accepts a bid as to how to handle any situation that makes him feel uncomfortable.  There are, however, many wonderful things about joining a fraternity, they do offer a lot of benefits including being extremely visible and active on campus, involvement in philanthropies, and much more. Fraternity brothers partake in rituals that are unique to their letters, nationally and internationally, promoting brotherhood. Fraternities provide leadership opportunities as they are student-run organizations. From what I hear from many boys at UNF, joining a fraternity is an incredible experience.

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Cultural Resources for Hispanic-Latino Students Mon, 24 Aug 2020 15:24:20 +0000 Support, Empowerment, and Connection for Hispanic-Latin [...]

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Support, Empowerment, and Connection for Hispanic-Latino Students

Campus diversity amongst students has grown considerably over the years and colleges vie to maintain an inclusive atmosphere; allowing all students to gain exposure, perceptions, global awareness, and a willingness to collaborate peacefully and freely. Whether serving as a forum for communication, helping students build strong social networks, or simply in pursuit of a welcoming space amongst other Hispanic or Latino students; UNF undoubtedly has a place where you will find your connections.

With over 10% of the student body being Hispanic, UNF has formed LASO the Latin American Student Organization which is a UNF student organization that promotes values and spreads awareness of the culture of Latin American to the UNF campus and community. This organization is one of the most successful cultural clubs at UNF and has a strong partnership with Greek life.

LASO has hosted many events ranging from dance classes, guest speaker forums, town halls, and dinners, and overall events around the community. It also hosted one of the biggest production events on campus, Nuestra Noche.

UNF’s Coggin College of Business offers many different clubs including The Latin American Business Club The purpose of this club is to learn about and discuss Latin American businesses.  The club will study how business works and how it affects the Jacksonville community and the state of Florida.  In the past the Latin American Business Club hosted a discussion forum on the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) with the UNF College Republicans.


Students from Latin America and the Caribbean (including Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands) are eligible to receive Latin American/Caribbean (LAC) Scholarships at UNF. In order to qualify, they must be admissible to UNF under existing criteria for undergraduate or graduate programs and meet other standards. On the basis of the LAC Scholarship, the student will be classified as a Florida resident for tuition purposes.

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