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Continuing Worship Traditions

For many students, transitioning from home to a University can be an unnerving experience.  Being able to find a place of worship and continue the religious traditions they may have had at home can be the key to a smooth transition.  Fortunately, the University of Maryland is very diverse and offers many different options for faith, worship, and community.

Whether or not you are looking for a specific religion or type of service, or just want a spiritual experience, UMD has what you need.  Start with the Interfaith Programs and Spiritual Diversity if you are looking for something spiritual. This falls under the Division of Student Affairs and their purpose is to provide resources for the UMD community to engage in interfaith collaboration, spiritual development, and learning. This program also advises and supports students and organizations interested in spiritual topics and interfaith dialogue. Past events have included dialogues, lectures, and service projects. Additionally, they have chaplains representing various faith communities to serve UMD.

Many religious services on campus are held in Memorial Chapel, a non-denominational chapel that serves as a campus icon. The building is full of history and is home to many special events, memorials, and weddings. UMD is also home to over 50 different religious and spiritual organizations.

Religion-specific options list:

As evidenced by the list above, the University of Maryland has something for most religions and they encourage you to get involved!  Click the link for your specific group for the most current information about your religion including services, community outreach, bible study, and events.

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Away for the High Holidays UMD https://haveuheard.com/posts-umd/high-holidays-umd/ https://haveuheard.com/posts-umd/high-holidays-umd/#respond Tue, 01 Sep 2020 16:46:38 +0000 https://haveuheard.com/?post_type=posts-umd&p=26269 Celebrate High Holidays with a New Community Generally, [...]

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Celebrate High Holidays with a New Community

Generally, our kids get to come home for Thanksgiving and Christmas, but for those who celebrate the upcoming Jewish High Holidays, it may be your first one without your student at your holiday table. While it may feel strange having that empty seat, it can feel better to know that they are celebrating the high holidays with a new community of their peers. There are options for Jewish students at UMD. You may want to let them know they exist and then hope that they will choose to participate.

Time Off

Not all colleges give days off for every holiday and it doesn’t look like UMD is any different. Students can certainly inform their professors, in advance, of their absence for the high holiday, but chances are class will go on and they will be responsible for any work. Even if they do get a day or two off, it is not always enough time to travel back home. This is another reason it is nice to know that there is a place for students to go even if just for a festive meal. There are services too; there are even sukkahs on Sukkot.

Yom Kippur, the holiday when people can repent for their sins and fast can be difficult at school, particularly when it falls in the middle of a busy week. However, depending on your family beliefs, sticking to family tradition is possible.

The Jewish Community

Students can enjoy and celebrate the holidays with their on-campus community. The UMD Hillel usually holds Rosh Hashanah services in the Student Services Building on the first day of Rosh Hashanah only this year everything is different, including how students can observe the holidays. The Hillel is working hard to plan a safe way to enjoy the holidays. As of late August, Hillel announced that they will be hosting both online and in-person options. They are going to be partnering with Hillel International and Reboot to celebrate the high holidays. They will have a number of options for services available for students to sign up when they are available. In addition to these online options, UMD Hillel will hold Conservative and Orthodox Services in-person. They will post dates and information for registration, so make sure you keep an eye out on their website for updates.

The UMD Chabad offers much of the same options as UMD Hillel. As of right now, they have not decided what they are planning on doing for the upcoming high holidays. Stay tuned as each holiday comes closer as they will update their page and calendar of events.

  • The dates for this year’s holidays:
  • Rosh Hashanah-  9/18-9/20
  • Yom Kippur- 9/27-9/28
  • Sukkot- 10/2-10/9
  • Simchat Torah- 10/10-10/11

Send a Care Package

I tried to send challah, honey, and a few other goodies one year and although UPS in Florida from one city to another is merely overnight, it cost much more to ship than to purchase. There are delivery services that can bring your student a treat of your choice though. Check out our blog on delivery services here. Or consider ordering a prepared care package. Somehow sending a care package as a gentle reminder of the holiday may push them towards the Hillel or Chabad a bit faster. We like Challah Connection.

While in college away from familial control, it’ll be extremely difficult to follow the fasting rule or go to synagogue at all. However, as they begin their new and independent lives, this too is part of the learning process. Just remember, even if they choose to skip what is the norm for your family while away at school, this doesn’t necessarily mean they are abandoning all that you taught them throughout their childhood.

Happy New Year!

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Birthright Israel –  https://haveuheard.com/posts-umd/birthright-israel-umd/ https://haveuheard.com/posts-umd/birthright-israel-umd/#respond Tue, 21 Jul 2020 19:05:16 +0000 https://haveuheard.com/?post_type=posts-umd&p=24598 Young Jewish Adults Israel Trip What exactly is Birthri [...]

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Young Jewish Adults Israel Trip

What exactly is Birthright Israel? Birthright Israel began in 1999 with a bold idea—offering a free, life-changing trip to Israel to young Jewish adults between the ages of 18 and 26 and, in doing so, transforming the Jewish future. Their mission is to give every Jewish young adult around the world, especially the less connected, the opportunity to visit Israel on an educational and inspirational religious experience. Today, Birthright Israel is the largest educational tourism organization in the world, and it aims to strengthen Jewish identity, communities, and connections with Israel.  Each trip is 100% funded by 30,000+ donors each year. The experience of Birthright is one that your student will remember always, and the connections made with fellow students on the trip will turn into life-long friendships. And there is no reason to be concerned about political unrest or their safety since every trip is guided and constantly with Israeli soldiers.

UMD has two different organizations that offer and sponsor this trip: UMD Hillel and UMD Chabad. What could be better than that? This is the trip you go on with your friends from college or to meet new people from your campus. Ten extraordinary days experiencing the enriching, inspiring and exhilarating sights, sounds, and soul of Israel Hang out with Israelis your age, hike beautiful trails, and catch breathtaking views. When you get back, you’ll have an awesome community back on campus that you formed on the trip. You’re not a tourist you’re an adventure-seeker!

Tour Highlights

Some of the tour highlights: camel rides, rafting down the Jordan River, visit the Western Wall, float in the Dead Sea, waterfalls of the Golan Heights, taste Mediterranean food, and connect with Israelis your own age. Going to Israel allows one to really connect with the country and its Jewish roots. The first time I had the opportunity to go to Israel, I felt such an appreciation and connection to the home country of the Jewish people. Whether you are Orthodox or just identify as Jewish, going to Israel is truly an amazing experience. Birthright is a once in a lifetime experience that allows you to learn, grow, and make friends across the world!

There are also extension trips that students can look into. They have a variety of types from cooking to volunteering, but many students also choose to extend and travel a bit on their own before returning to the U.S. It surely saves on the cost of airfare, since Birthright covers it. If students want to go back to Israel or have never done Birthright, there are summer internships available including the more popular one Onward. For more information on trip dates and how to apply, visit this Birthright Israel page or the UMD Hillel or UMD Chabad pages.

Arianna Powell, Intern

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