
2023 Holiday Gift Guide


I cannot believe that the holidays are approaching. For those that celebrate Hannukah, the first night is December 19th with Christmas less than a week later. I don’t know about you, but my email and actual mailbox, is filled with catalogs and discount coupons. Black Friday deals are out earlier than they have ever been. The shopping season has begun.

Travel is My Therapy


I came across a quote recently that encapsulates my life’s goals; “I’d rather have a passport full of stamps, than a house full of stuff.” Tbh, I did not even own a passport until six years ago having only traveled domestically. Truthfully, I was fortunate enough to be raised by parents who loaded all four of us girls in the car every summer and we went on driving trips in the U.S. Of course, and I do believe this was to keep us quiet and occupied, we were each assigned a state and decided what places we would visit in that state.

About Me


Some Fun Facts If you’ve been reading HaveUHeard for years or you’re a newcomer, I want to start off by saying thank you for your support! I write about [...]

Why Do We Shame


If you use any of the social media platforms, you have probably seen a monumental increase in shaming, criticizing, and judging which, IMO, is a shame. During these past fourteen years, I have used Facebook to share family photos, market a charity’s fundraisers, sell in the marketplace, and reconnect with old friends and acquaintances. I think it is a great platform for small businesses, such as HaveUHeard but during the past two-plus years, I have noticed an increased amount of parent shaming.

Are Your Family Dynamics Changing?


When we dropped our daughter off at college, her dad and I and her younger sister drove away, tears streaming down our faces (well not her sister’s face). We’d return home as a family of three which took on a whole new personality. This was the first of many life shifts I came to understand. It took some time for us to adjust to the empty chair at the dinner table and to cooking for three and only having to chauffeur one child around. It was different. Not good different, not bad different … just different.

Charcuterie Boards That Are Works of Art


I am not sure if you noticed, but charcuterie boards are all the rage. My young adult daughters have been making charcuterie boards for years. My nephew has one almost every Friday with wine (according to his IG stories); he loves them so much, I recently bought him a large bamboo cheese board with serving tools. Head to Instagram and search under #charcuterieboard and you are bound to see some works of art. A typical charcuterie, the word derived from the French words that mean flesh and cooked, consists of mainly meats and cheeses. These boards have progressed to some of the most decadent and sweet hot cocoa holiday charcuterie boards.