When You Need Electives
Did you plan for some electives? Sometimes students’ schedules are just so jam-packed that an easy and fun elective is the perfect way to round out a schedule. Electives can serve many purposes: fulfill an individual’s major requirement, supplement more rigorous courses to complete a minor, fill a schedule, or simply to have fun.
All of these electives have been recommended directly from current UGA students based on either their light workload, their ease, or their fascinating information. Whether you take these classes or completely avoid them, it is always greatly recommended for you to use RateMyProfessor or Koofers when making your schedule. Both of these websites have reviews for professors and classes from actual students in regards to the overall rating of the professor, course load, difficulty, class description, etc. So, I would recommend using those websites at all times to ensure having the professors that best suit you and your preferences as a student.
Before signing up for any of these electives, I would recommend checking on your Degreeworks page or emailing your advisor to make sure that taking one or multiple of these classes will either satisfy a necessary requirement or count for a needed elective credit. For those who have the time and space in their schedule for fun and easy electives, check these out:
- ADSC 2300 – Companion Animal Care (3 credit hours) This class is centered around what it takes to be a pet owner and how to best do so. It talks about feeding, caring for, and keeping your animal as healthy as possible.
- ALDR 3820 – Reflections on Fighting Hunger (3 credit hours) This class dives deeper into the political, regional, and economical reasoning behind hunger and how it affects the populations in any given country. It also emphasizes educating people on how to prevent hunger and how to fight it.
- ARST 1050 – Drawing I (3 credit hours) This is a very creative based class where you learn the basic fundamentals and techniques of drawing.
- COMM 2520 – Intro to Interviewing (3 credit hours) Taking this class will help you grow your knowledge of being interviewed and give you experience through a mock-interview process. This class is experiential-based and is very hands-on.
- DANC 1607/1608 – Ballroom Dancing (1 credit hour) These classes are broken up by males and females. 1607 is taught for males, who take the “lead” role in the ballroom, while 1608 is taught for females who take the “follow” role. Either way, you will learn the fundamentals of ballroom dancing and be an expert by the time you leave the class.
- DANC 2010 – Dance Appreciation (3 credit hours) This class teaches students the principles of dance from 3 different aspects: dancer, choreographer, and spectator. It also goes through the historical and cultural aspects of dance.
- ECHD 1537 – Campus Leadership (1 credit hour) Focused on developing leadership skills in students, this class pushes students to develop their own personal philosophy of leadership and helps with the application process required for leadership positions around campus.
- EDIT 2000 – Introduction to Computers for Teachers (3 credit hours) Are you planning on getting your degree in Education? Then this class is perfect for you. They focus on the best way to integrate computers into classrooms and how to do so.
- ENTO 1000 – Life on Six Legs (3 credit hours) This class is focused on insects and their growth, reproduction, migration, and DNA makeup. While also explaining and interpreting ideas of resistance, diversity, and other topics.
- ENTO 2010 – Insects and the Environment (3 credit hours) This class is solely built upon interactions between insects, the environment, and humans.
- FDNS 2050 – Intro to Sports Nutrition and Wellness (3 credit hours) This class sheds light on how to live a healthy lifestyle and provides emphasis on how to do so as an athlete. It is perfect for students who are considering degrees in health-related fields.
- FDST 4120 – Food Fermentations (3 credit hours) Exploring the microbial and technical aspects of food and the fermenting process, taking this class will open your eyes to what’s in your food and how it gets there.
- GEOG 1101 – Human Geography (3 credit hours) This class focuses on resources, population, culture, and economy and how they affect different populations of wealth, stature, and education across the world.
- GEOG 1111 – Physical Geography (3 credit hours) This class is centered around the physical environment and what it does and does not affect the world.
- GEOL 3350 – Dinosaurs (3 credit hours) Have you ever wondered what life would’ve been like if we had to share the world with dinosaurs? Well, this class will give you insight into that and so much more. It dives deep into the lives of dinosaurs, how they lived, and how they died.
- MARS 4740L – Scientific Diving I (2 credit hours) This class teaches students the fundamentals of scuba diving and underwater research techniques. At the end of the semester, students get to participate in a dive. *This class does cost extra money outside of regular tuition fees.
- PBHL 3100 – Intro to Public Health (3 credit hours) This class overviews the United States public health system and emphasizes health promotion and disease prevention.
- PEDB 1070 – Challenge Course (1 credit hour) UGA has both an indoor and an outdoor ropes course, and this class is centered around group work techniques to help tackle all 3 courses.
- PEDB 1950 – Fitness for Life Walking (1 credit hour) This class focuses on the benefits of walking and strategies on how to get yourself more active.
- PHIL 3230 – The Ethics of Food (3 credit hours) This class harps on ethical issues with food production, marketing, distribution, access, regulation, and consumption. It also looks at food policy decisions and how they affect people.
- POUL 1010 – Birds in our Lives (3 credit hours) The topic of this class is exotic birds and how to best care for them and their environment.
- PRTM 1100E – Intro to Travel and Tourism (3 credit hours) This class exposes students to tourism and traveling and the effect of those on the government, demographics, businesses, economics, and more.
- PSYC 3260 – Human Sexuality (3 credit hours) Sexual behavior, deviance, social patterns, assessment, and treatment are topics discussed in this class focused on sexuality and behavior.
- SWAH 1010 – Elem Swahili I (4 credit hours) This class focuses on the language and culture of the Swahilis.
- TXMI 4210 – Trend Analysis and Forecasting (3 credit hours) This class will give an overview of apparel, textiles, and home interior industries at the design and merchandising level while having students analyze elements of fashion, clothing, and design concepts.
- UNIV 1205 – Learning Online: Strategies, Skills, and Success (1-3 credit hours) This class gives students the tools needed to be successful in online learning and online classes.
- UNIV 2111 – Developing Literacies in Humanities (1-3 credit hours) This class is focused on helping students become successful in the humanities areas. It is a small class size with one on one help available to students with essay questions and helps for outside classes.
While this is only scraping the surface of awesome electives plus easy classes offered at UGA, you can find the PDF version of the entire bulletin for any given semester. This will list every class that is being taught that semester and is broken into three different PDFs for online, honors, and regular classes. Another great tool is the actual online bulletin which is broken up by subject and tells you all classes taught at UGA and what semesters they are available.
Madeleine Morris, UGA Intern
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