When You Need A Fun Elective
When planning electives as a freshman, it can be overwhelming and exciting. Being able to choose any course out of what feels like endless options can be a lot of pressure. When I was deciding which elective to take freshman year, I had no idea where to begin. If you are new to UMD or have a heavy course load, it is a good idea to take a class that is fun and a break from the stress.
Electives can serve many purposes: fulfill an individual’s major requirement, supplement more rigorous courses to complete a minor, fill a schedule, or simply to have fun. For those who have the time and space in their schedule for a fun and easy elective, check these out:
- ARTT110: This is the Elements of Drawing I course and is a fun way to keep in touch with your artistic and creative self.
- CCJS105: Introduction to Criminology is a course that examines criminal behavior and the methods behind the actions.
- DANC200: Introduction to Dance is a fun way to get some activity in while meeting people!
- EDSP210: Introduction to Special Education is a great course to take that is both interesting and informative on the characteristics and needs of individuals receiving special education.
- ENES140: Discovering New Ventures is an online engineering course that explores the dynamic of startup companies.
- FMSC260: Couple Relationships is a very intriguing course that goes in-depth into couple relationships and their alternatives in dating, courtship, and marriage.
- HIST289O: This course is titled “Lawlessness: From Pirates to Body-snatchers, Exploring the Legitimacy of Illicit Activity”. This class is known to be super interesting and covers a DSHS and an I-Series
- JOUR289E: Media Law and Ethics in the Digital Age. This course is intended for non-journalism majors in order to open them up to journalism.
- JOUR289F: Beyond Facebook. This is another interesting journalism course to take as an elective and gives an interesting perspective on the rise of social media and its impact
- KNES100N: This is a beginner’s level coed basketball class. This is a great way to continue playing a game you enjoy or a way to stay active and learn a new sport.
- PLCY201: I personally took this class and loved it. It is engaging and intellectually challenging, while at the same time having a light workload.
- SOCY105: Introduction to Contemporary Social Problems. This is an interesting, easy course to take when looking for a good elective.
- THET110: This is one of my favorite electives I have taken at UMD. This class is super interactive and a fun way to learn about theatre.
Electives often fill quickly so make a list of the top few electives you would like to take including the course code. This allows for quick searching on the day and time registration opens. As with any class, it is a good idea to check out the professors beforehand. Some electives that include materials will cost money to participate.
Arianna Powell, UMD Intern
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