Time To Get Involved!
One of the most exciting parts about going to college is getting involved and finding new passions and hobbies all while having fun. When students first come to UMD, they are often overwhelmed by the huge campus filled with over 30,000 undergraduates. To make a big university feel small, get involved! When most students think of getting involved, Greek life comes to mind, but there are so many other on-campus opportunities to take advantage of.
Of course, class and assignments come first, but getting involved on campus in some way is pretty important as well. Firstly, joining a club helps your students build a community and network. Meeting people will help their transition into college go smoother and these connections and friendships can last forever. Joining clubs and organizations allows students to discover their passions and strengths, and to make connections for future resumes and employment.
One important aspect of joining a club or organization is time management. Students should only take on what they can handle and, while being busy is great and exciting, you do not want to fall behind on work. When getting involved, make sure they understand the time commitment they have to make and then make a decision that benefits them in all areas.
At the University of Maryland, there are more than 800 clubs, fraternities and sororities, and sports that students can possibly take part in. One of the best ways to find about these organizations is through the First Look Fair. The First Look Fair is one of the longest-running involvement traditions at the University of Maryland. The event takes place in early September and is located on McKeldin Mall. At the fair, each organization sets up booths or tents to advertise who they are and what they do. This event is something I recommend all students to attend as it is a great way to get information on various clubs and organizations and possibly sign up for one they are interested in. If you miss this event do not worry, there is a Second Look Fair in the Spring.
So Many Choices
- Greek life– At UMD there are 16 National Panhellenic Conference sororities and 25 recognized Fraternities within the IFC.
- Cultural organizations– There are various cultural associations on campus that students can get involved in such as the Asian American Student Union and the Ethiopian-Eritrean Student Association.
- Religious organizations– There are religious organizations students can join to learn more and find a community within students of the same religion.
- UMD SGA– Student government is a great way to get involved and put your leadership skills to use. SGA hosts fun events and works to make the university a great place where all students have a great experience.
- Organizations by major– Many students look to join a club that relates to their major in order to find students that have common interests and goals. The Business School, School of Engineering, School of Public Policy, and other schools have clubs that students can join.
- Sports and Recreation Clubs– There are around 100 clubs that are dedicated to sports, games, and activities. Club sports and intramural sports teams are fun ways to keep playing your favorite sport while not having too serious of a commitment.
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