Tutoring Can Be A Huge Asset
Students who attend the University of Maryland, no different than any other highly sought-after college, will be faced with challenging classes taught by respected and renowned professors. With that being said, tutoring can be a huge help when extra help is needed. Now that your student is out of high school, they can no longer coast by without putting in the necessary work.
In order to be a successful student at UMD and be successful in your future career, it is important to grasp the concepts you are being taught in class in addition to doing well in the class. While it is important to focus on your studies, there are so many opportunities to get involved on campus. From clubs, sporting events, Greek life, and all other social life aspects, it can be a challenge to balance everything and stay on track. Tutoring is the answer. If your student brings up that they may need some extra help or are struggling in a class, there are many options and places to turn including speaking directly with professors or on- or off-campus tutoring.
On-Campus Tutoring
The University of Maryland offers many resources when it comes to on-campus tutoring. The tutoring department covers subjects from chemistry, math, physics, writing, and various other major-specific help. Each subject has various resources that were created specifically for that department. These services offer both one-on-one tutoring and group sessions and programs, which allows students to find what works best for themselves or they can even utilize both options! These on-campus tutoring sessions and assistance are free and are located in various places across campus. In addition to tutoring in these subjects, UMD offers other help such as Guided Study Sessions, The Counseling Center, databases of old exams, and a grammar hotline.
Guided Study Sessions (GSS) is a program that offers free, regularly scheduled group review sessions for courses that are commonly viewed by students to be challenging and difficult. These sessions are guided by trained peer facilitators that have earned an A in the course in the past and are offered twice a week. These 50-minute study sessions are there for students to put difficult material in perspective and allow you to prepare in advance for upcoming exams. My daughter utilized this resource in one of her Economics courses and found that these sessions allowed her to gain a better grasp of the material and overall a better grade in the class.
The Counseling Center is an online service available to all UMD students that assists them with academic and study strategy resources. In addition to this, The Counseling Center provides free confidential individual sessions with a counselor which can help with specific concerns of individuals. The Counseling Center has various academic resources that assist in improving time management, studying, test prep, math learning, and other various topics.
Other Options
If students are looking for additional help and services beyond what is offered on campus at UMD there are plenty of other options.
College Park tutors are highly recommended among students. This is a service that allows you to be tutored by expert tutors at UMD that specialize in Math, Physics, Engineering, Computer Science, and Chemistry. At College Park Tutors, they pair you up with a carefully vetted tutor for one-on-one assistance. They offer various plans to students when signing up. For a full semester of tutoring, they offer 10 one-hour sessions at the price of $450. This is the best value plan for your money. The next package they offer is a half-semester plan which consists of five one-hour sessions at $275 a package. The last option available is one, one-hour session for $60. This is a good option for those students that don’t want to commit as much or just need a little extra help before an exam or final. To sign up for this service you begin by submitting a request for tutoring in the specific subject that your student needs help in. Then you wait for a response which will be in less than 24 hours to set up an appointment that works best for you.
Textbook rental and purchase company Chegg offers Chegg Study for $14.95. Students have found success in working with their specialists. They offer study help in business (finance, economics, accounting, operations management), Engineering (computer science, electrical, mechanical and civil engineering), Math (algebra, calculus, stats and probability, and other math) and science (physics, chemistry, biology). For more personal help, they also have Chegg Tutor which gives more one-on-one help. The price is $15/week for 30 minutes (50 cents/additional minute) and they offer a free trial.
Fiverr – Fiverr is an online marketplace for freelance services. It got its name from the original price of jobs being $5 per task. This is a great place for students to list the services they offer (or parents) or even find inexpensive tutors. Look for highly rated sellers with a lot of good reviews. The old saying is clear: you get what you pay for. In a nutshell, the quality of service is not always great, but there are good sellers on Fiverr® but expect those services to start at more than $5.
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SavvyCle is an online tutoring platform that gives students online access to quick and easy tutoring. We offer help with subjects such as Mathematics, English, Chemistry, Biology, Elementary Science, Computer Science, and more.