
How to Create A Vision Board

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Vision Board

Set Your Intentions

What is a Vision Board? It is a physical representation of what you are searching for in your life. I believe in manifesting. Often, my vision changes throughout the year. With the Jewish New Year in late September, it was the perfect time to redo my board.

Vision Boards From the Past

I bet many of you already know how to create a vision board. You may not have realized that you made them when you were younger. We did not call them Vision Boards; we were calling them collages or dream boards. Think Jenna Rink’s Poise magazine board in the movie 13 Going On 30.

vision board

At the risk of aging myself, I remember making shellacked lunchboxes. My mom would give us magazines, scissors, and a metal lunchbox (now referred to as retro or vintage lunchboxes).  We would cut out pictures and words and glue them on the metal box. Last, we applied rubber cement clear glue. I remember my excitement to show off my lunchbox at school.

vision board

Today’s Vision Boards

This is similar to today’s vision boards. The benefits include keeping you focused on your intentions. They can include photos, words, and/or pictures. You can make them three-dimensional if you want to get creative. A board can include visuals of your personal or work life, health and fitness goals, travel, finances, and even food.

Last year, a group of my girlfriends got together and made Vision Boards. All of us brought magazines. The creatives in our group purchased stencils and borders. I had some leftover cork from some flooring that was installed. I cut them into large squares to give everyone a base.

The supplies you need are scissors, magazines, and glue. Your board can also be made using a poster board, a pinboard, or a corkboard. Since I redid my office this year, I chose to up my Vision Board and purchased a plain canvas from Minted. I love how it looks in my bedroom, so I am more apt to look at it often.

Vision Board
What I Love About Vision Boards

I believe in thinking positively and mentally focusing on what I need. When I was first widowed, I needed strength, focus, and a way to move forward. By waking up each morning and setting an intention for that day, I found it easier to make it through that day. And that day turned into another day and another day. I wish I could say all my days were better; they were not. But I did find myself taking time in the morning to ask for something I needed that day.

When I am feeling anxious or stressed or just having a bad day, and it seems that nothing is going right, I look to my vision board to refocus.

Virtual Vision Board

Another great option is to create a virtual vision board. You can do this through Canva using one of their many Vision board templates. You could also choose a Mood Board template or a collage layout that suits your needs.

What I love about Canva is that you can add text, whether an affirmation or a goal statement. Perhaps there is an inspirational font. I save mine as a PDF and then print it at my local Walgreens. This is one of several vision boards I created.

I use Shutterstock to pick high-quality stock images. Other sites to use for free images and royalty-free stock images are pixabay or Pexels.

Manifesting Your Visions

Your board can be simple, or you can go all out and add embellishments.  Maybe you are not into making a big production. Letterboards work just as well and are easy to change. If you prefer not to print out your Virtual board, make it a screensaver on your desktop or background on your smartphone. This is a subconscious reminder whenever you look at your phone or your background.

As long as it is in a place where you will see it every day, you will be able to focus on your goals.

Have you made a Vision Board this year? I would love to see yours.

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